What is Vegetable Tanned Leather and Why Do We Use It?

There is some confusion between Vegetable Tanned leathers and Vegan leather. These two are not the same. While vegan “leathers” are made of alternative materials bonded together, Vegetable tanned leather is real leather tanned with natural tannins such as barks, leaves and fruits. It’s truly a special material.


There’s a rich history behind vegetable tanning. It’s believed that ancient Egyptians began using the process to protect hides they used for shelter and clothing. For thousands of years leather was used in every facet of life. Transportation, warfare, fashion, etc. 


At the end of the 19th century, a new way of tanning leather was introduced. This involved the use of chromium tannins. This was a much faster process and in turn, drove down the price. Unfortunately, with this process, you lose parts of what makes vegetable tanned leathers special. It’s biodegradable nature, moldability, and its ability to have a rich patina


Contrary to what many believe, leather is a byproduct of the meat industry. We love the idea of rescuing a material that would normally go to a landfill and use it to make something beneficial, as well as beautiful. 


There was a noticeable difference the first time I got my hands on vegetable tanned leather. It cut differently, the fibers seemed tighter, its patina was outstanding, and it allowed me to make products that had some structure. Sure, there are some uses for chrome tanned leather, but there’s something special about veg tanned. 

Why do we choose to use this type of leather?  

In short, it’s rare. It gets better with age.  

Its qualities are unmatched, whether with other leathers or imitation “leathers”.  

To be honest, you can see the patina photos and read what I say about it, but you really need to experience it for yourself.

There’s nothing quite like it. 


Iona Inspiration


Better with Age